FromUri in ASP.NET CORE 2.0

Solution 1:

I think you might be looking for [FromQuery]:

[FromUri] is used in Asp.Net WebApi 2, not core

Solution 2:

TLDR : You can use [FromQuery] and [FromRoute] in place of [FromUri]

As Mike_G stated in his answer you can use [FromQuery] attribute in place of [FromUri]. But you might also need to use [FromRoute] in certain cases as pointed by Muhammad Umar in comments.


This attribute is used when the parameter is passed as the part of the URL string.

Ex: api/countries/1


As the name implies, FromQuery parameters has to be passed as query strings.

Ex: api/countries?id=1


  1. FromRoute - Microsoft Docs
  2. FromQuery - Microsoft Docs
  3. FromUri - Microsoft Docs