PATH issues for init.d scripts on startup

I have a simple script that starts up a unicorn instance (on Ubuntu 12.04LTS).


case "$1" in
       echo "starting"
       cd /path && bundle exec unicorn -c /path/config/unicorn.rb -D -E production
      echo "Stopping Unicorn Instances"
      kill `cat /tmp/`
    echo "sending USR2 to all unicorns"
    kill -s USR2 `cat /tmp/`
exit 0

It behaves correctly when called: /etc/init.d/ start

I want it to start on boot, so I ran: update-rc.d -f defaults

When I now reboot I get the following error:

/etc/rc2.d/ 10: /etc/rc2.d/ bundle: not found

I checked the bundle command, and it's installed in /usr/local/bin, same for the ruby command.

It appears that on boot the PATH does not yet include /usr/local/bin. How can I fix this?

Initscripts are responsible for setting an appropriate path themselves. Set the $PATH variable at the top of the script:
