Install Qt on Ubuntu

Install Qt

sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install qtcreator

sudo apt-get install qt5-default

Install documentation and examples If Qt Creator is installed thanks to the Ubuntu Sofware Center or thanks to the synaptic package manager, documentation for Qt Creator is not installed. Hitting the F1 key will show you the following message : "No documentation available". This can easily be solved by installing the Qt documentation:

sudo apt-get install qt5-doc

sudo apt-get install qt5-doc-html qtbase5-doc-html

sudo apt-get install qtbase5-examples

Restart Qt Creator to make the documentation available.

Error while loading shared libraries


radiusd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Actually, the libraries have been installed in a place where dynamic linker cannot find it.


While this is not a guarantee but using the following command may help you solve the “cannot open shared object file” error:

sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v

ModelSim-Altera error

The ubuntu package name is qt5-default, not qt.

In Ubuntu 18.04 the QtCreator examples and API docs missing, This is my way to solve this problem, should apply to almost every Ubuntu release.

For QtCreator and Examples and API Docs:

sudo apt install `apt-cache search 5-examples | grep qt | grep example | awk '{print $1 }' | xargs `

sudo apt install `apt-cache search 5-doc | grep "Qt 5 " | awk '{print $1}' | xargs`

sudo apt-get install build-essential qtcreator qt5-default

If something is also missing, then:

sudo apt install `apt-cache search qt | grep 5- | grep ^qt | awk '{print $1}' | xargs `

Hope to be helpful.

Also posted in Ask Ubuntu: