What do you do to the throttle on a motorcycle?

To accelerate a car, you press or push on the gas pedal.

To accelerate a motorcycle, you _____ the throttle.


Solution 1:

To accelerate a motorcycle, you twist the throttle, or turn it.

The throttle on a light aircraft can be a knob that you pull or push to open or close, on others a lever.

On a motor car, it is usually a pedal that you push or release with your foot. Early cars had a hand throttle which was a lever.

But on a motorcycle it is the handgrip, and apart from squeezing it the only action you can do is to rotate it.

Solution 2:

As a motorcycle rider, the correct terminology is twist the throttle.

The phrase "twist the wrist" is equivalent to the phrase "step on it".

As a reference see the popular motorcycles book 'A Twist of the Wrist'.

Solution 3:

From Collins English Dictionary:

Talking about using the throttle.

You can say that you push the throttle into a particular position, or if you move it in a gentle way, you ease it forward or back.
If you open the throttle, you let more fuel into the engine.
If a vehicle is operating at full throttle, the throttle is letting in as much fuel as possible.

From How to Ride a Motorcycle: A Rider's Guide to Strategy, Safety and Skill ...

Once you're in position and at entry speed, open the throttle again slightly ("roll").