I'm getting a job (meaning)

Solution 1:

"I'm getting a job" generally describes the point in between "I'm looking for a job" and "I got a job". It means that it has been arranged and planned for, but has not happened yet. There's a certain degree of confidence involved, implying that at some point in the future, you will be able to say "I got a job". (Or "I got a puppy".)

However, because of the variability of the confidence, as Jason points out in his comment, "I'm getting a job" can, in fact, mean either "I'm looking for a job" or "I got a job". An optimistic person may say "I'm getting a job" whilst job hunting, and a person who has received a formal job offer may excitedly relay to others that "I'm getting a job" even though they have already gotten the job.