Can't print to pdf ggplot charts [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Gappy, that smells like the FAQ 7.22 -- so please try print(qplot(1:10)).

Solution 2:

@Dirk explains why this is happening (auto printing turned off), but an alternative to opening the device, generating the plot on the device, closing the device is ggsave(). For example:

p1 <- qplot(1:10)
ggsave("p1.pdf", plot = p1)

or via a loop:

outnames <- c("1.pdf", "2.pdf")
for (n in outnames){
    p2 <- qplot(1:10)
    ggsave(n, plot = p2)

At the end of that we have all the generated plots we asked for.

> list.files(pattern = ".pdf$")
[1] "1.pdf"                  "2.pdf"                 
[3] "p1.pdf"