How to convert list<String> into String in Dart without iteration?
Is there a method in Dart like the String.join()
method in Java & c#?
nums: ["20", "3005", "2"]
nums = "2030052"
is a method of the List class, rather than String:
List<String> yourList = ["20", "3005", "2"];
// To test that the above the above
yourList.join() == '2030052'; // true
yourList.join(',') == '20,3005,2'; // true, with "," delimiter
This might not be the best solution, but you can reduce a collection to a single value by iteratively combining elements of the collection using the reduce method in Dart Lists.
String nums = numsList.reduce((value, element) => value + ',' + element);
You have to remember that, the iterable must have at least one element. If it has only one element, that element is returned.