msbuild, defining Conditional Compilation Symbols

Solution 1:

Have you seen this? (most info is in the penultimate post)


Solution 2:

I had to use a space instead of a semicolon a la this post by Björn Lasar:

Update: the blog has disappeared; retrieved via Internet Archive:

Recently I had to use MSBuild directly to automate some builds. I also had to configure some preprocessor defines based upon a configuration. This is usually done by an Argument like this


Nothing special here since there are enough comments on the web about that. Today I needed one Flag more and I used the commandline syntax similar to how I knew it from the IDE:


but this one didn't work.

So the point is that if you want to support multiple defines to a project by commandline you'll have to separate them by simple spaces...


and it will be added to the (semicolon-separated) Defines from the IDE. Good to know I think...

Solution 3:

/p:DefineConstants is an all or nothing deal.

If you just want to turn off trace symbol, you can't just do it with: msbuild /p:DefineTrace=false

You have to define something to override all the symbols already defined: msbuild /p:DefineConstants="RANDOM-SYMBOL"

Thanks Michael Stum point this hidden rule out I have also wrote a blog about it --- dead link