Minecraft rcon tool for Linux Console

Try mcrcon.

Description from the website:


Mcrcon is powerful minecraft rcon client / terminal with bukkit coloring support. It is well suited for remote administration and to be used as part of automated server maintenance scripts. Does not trigger "IO: Broken pipe" or "IO: Connection reset" spam bug on server side.

Precompiled binaries available for Windows (x86), Linux (x86) and Mac OS X (x86 / x86-64).


  • Interactive terminal mode. Support for Bukkit coloring on Windows and sh compatible shells.
  • Send multiple commands in one command line.
  • Silent mode. Does not print rcon output.
  • Does not cause "IO: Connection reset" spam on server side.
  • Designed to be used as part of the toolchain in server maintenance scipts.

I'm assuming you're running minecraft in a screen session, since it's the most convenient way to not force you to keep an ssh connection always open.

You can send a command to screen that it forwards to the application running inside it. For example, I am running it in a screen session called minecraft, and every few hours a script runs, forces a save, toggles autosave off, does a backup of my worlds files, then turns autosave back on.

This is how you start a new screen session called minecraft:

screen -S minecraft

then you get a shell, you may also pass the command you want to run automatically instead of getting a shell.

Then you can send commands to that session:

screen -p 0 -S minecraft -X eval "stuff save-all\015"
  • -p 0 sends the message to window 0 in the session
  • -S minecraft is the session name
  • the rest tells to print "save-all" and a newline to the application's stdin

Maybe this is an old post, but I recommend these tools (written in Java):

  • JavaRcon - terminal application (i wrote it for myself)
  • AdminTools - GUI application

They both work great, recommended