Chrome Extension: "No resource with given identifier found" when trying to Network.getResponseBody

It was because the website sends many responses, and this code will see another request other than I want, then detach the debugger so I can't get the result.

To solve this, just use a single debugger and do not detach it, or only detach when it's safe to.

var gAttached = false;
var gRequests = [];
var gObjects = [];

chrome.debugger.onEvent.addListener(function (source, method, params) {
        if (method == "Network.requestWillBeSent") {
            // If we see a url need to be handled, push it into index queue
            var rUrl = params.request.url;
            if (getTarget(rUrl) >= 0) {
        if (method == "Network.responseReceived") {
            // We get its request id here, write it down to object queue
            var eUrl = params.response.url;
            var target = getTarget(eUrl);
            if (target >= 0) {
                    requestId: params.requestId,
                    target: target,
                    url: eUrl
        if (method == "Network.loadingFinished" && gObjects.length > 0) {
            // Pop out the request object from both object queue and request queue
            var requestId = params.requestId;
            var object = null;
            for (var o in gObjects) {
                if (requestId == gObjects[o].requestId) {
                    object = gObjects.splice(o, 1)[0];
            // Usually loadingFinished will be immediately after responseReceived
            if (object == null) {
            gRequests.splice(gRequests.indexOf(object.url), 1);
                {"requestId": requestId},
                function (response) {
                    if (response) {
                        dispatch(source.tabId,, JSON.parse(response.body));
                    } else {
                        console.log("Empty response for " + object.url);
                    // If we don't have any request waiting for response, re-attach debugger
                    // since without this step it will lead to memory leak.
                    if (gRequests.length == 0) {
                            tabId: source.tabId
                        }, function () {
                                tabId: source.tabId
                            }, "1.0", function () {
                                    tabId: source.tabId
                                }, "Network.enable");

var initialListener = function (details) {
    if (gAttached) return;  // Only need once at the very first request, so block all following requests
    var tabId = details.tabId;
    if (tabId > 0) {
        gAttached = true;
            tabId: tabId
        }, "1.0", function () {
                tabId: tabId
            }, "Network.enable");
        // Remove self since the debugger is attached already

// Attach debugger on startup
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(initialListener, {urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["blocking"]);

// Filter if the url is what we want
function getTarget(url) {
    for (var i in TARGETS) {
        var target = TARGETS[i];
        if (url.match(target.url)) {
            return i;
    return -1;

const TARGETS = [
    {url: '/path1', desc: 'target1'},
    {url: '/path2', desc: 'target2'}