Are there any 1D laser barcode scanners that work well with iOS?

I'm looking for a scanner that works similarly to the Microvision ROV which has worked very well for me in the past when connected to a Mac and Delicious Library.

microvision rōv bluetooth scanner

Is there anything comparable on the market for iOS bluetooth scanning?

Requirements are to be dedicated external hardware. I prefer battery powered, bluetooth and fast/rugged aspect of a 1D laser powered barcode scanner. Small is nice, but the KoamTac appear to be too fragile so I'd rather something built more like the micro vision or symbol line of USB scanners that are built more like tanks.

I don't need 2D scanning and am really looking for a laser to pick the exact line needed to read multiple barcodes and rapidly scan in low light situations. I'm hoping someone has actually used this hardware and can speak to the usability of any devices for industrial and/or high volume scanning (think 100 iMac that need inventory from Apple's barcodes sitting on a shipping dock).

What hardware can assist with this?

What do you think of the Socket CX2870-1409 Barcode Scanner?

The reviews are very decent across the board.