Is there a way to convert a multidimensional array to a stdClass object in PHP?

Casting as (object) doesn't seem to work recursively. json_decode(json_encode($array)) produces the result I'm looking for, but there has to be a better way...

As far as I can tell, there is no prebuilt solution for this, so you can just roll your own:

function array_to_object($array) {
  $obj = new stdClass;
  foreach($array as $k => $v) {
     if(strlen($k)) {
        if(is_array($v)) {
           $obj->{$k} = array_to_object($v); //RECURSION
        } else {
           $obj->{$k} = $v;
  return $obj;

I know this answer is coming late but I'll post it for anyone who's looking for a solution.

Instead of all this looping etc, you can use PHP's native json_* function. I've got a couple of handy functions that I use a lot

 * Convert an array into a stdClass()
 * @param   array   $array  The array we want to convert
 * @return  object
function arrayToObject($array)
    // First we convert the array to a json string
    $json = json_encode($array);

    // The we convert the json string to a stdClass()
    $object = json_decode($json);

    return $object;

 * Convert a object to an array
 * @param   object  $object The object we want to convert
 * @return  array
function objectToArray($object)
    // First we convert the object into a json string
    $json = json_encode($object);

    // Then we convert the json string to an array
    $array = json_decode($json, true);

    return $array;

Hope this can be helpful