Are there AD issues when reconnecting a domain server that has been disconnected for an extended period of time?

I have two Windows Server 2008 R2 domain servers located in two physical locations connected via a VPN. They are functioning normally and syncing across the VPN. However, I intend to disable the VPN while I trace and fix extremely slow Internet access at one of the locations. This may take two or three weeks to allow time to monitor the network.

Am I going to have serious AD issues when I reconnect these two servers? I've never disconnected the servers for that long before and don't know what to expect.

Solution 1:

Read up on Tombstone in Active Directory. If you left the defaults alone in your GPO, then you can break sync for up to 60 days* without tombstoning your DCs.

  • (or 120 days, depending on the version of Windows that you built your domain with) (thanks Joe!)