JAX-RS: Multiple paths


From resteasy docs: http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/1.0.2.GA/userguide/html_single/index.html#_Path_and_regular_expression_mappings

yes you can do that although you will have to rename your methods so that their signature is different.

Update: Check Dieter Cailliau's answer, @Path("/{a:path1|path2}") is probably what you want...

public class BlahResource{
    public Response m1(){
        return Response.ok("blah").build();

    public Response m2(){
        return this.m1();

you can check JSR-311's API and it's reference implementation named "jersey" there:



Some extra details about Path annotation...

As a previous responses state, regular expressions to be used with in the annotated path declaration mapping:

{" variable-name [ ":" regular-expression ] "} 

You can declare multiple paths, but there is also a path hierarchy that was not immediately obvious to me whereby the class annotated path prefixes the following method path annotations. One might write the following class for a concise multiple path option which could be useful for resource versioning perhaps.

public class BlahResource {

    public Response m1() {
        return Response.ok("blah").build();

Please note the fact that the class "BlahResource" has been declared with the path "/v1" or "/v2" making the resource accessible as:

$ curl localhost:8080/v1/blah

and also

$ curl localhost:8080/v2/blah