Xcode: "This app could not be installed at this time."

I managed to find the problem. The problem was that I had added some keys to a property list file that was not valid. I found the error by looking in the log file that was located here: ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/

Reset the simulator:

Hardware -> Erase All content and settings...

Clean your project:



This should fix your issue

I know the question has been answered but for others encountering the same issue I suggest following:

  • Check simulator logs, if its printing something useful. First, selecte simulator then from menu option open Debug -> Open System Logs.

  • Make sure only 1 simulator is running.

  • Delete the older version of app from the simulator.

  • If you importing a custom framework, make sure custom framework->bundle-id is not same as currentAppProject->bundle-id. If you are not sure then simply change the bundle-id of current project.

  • Also some of the simulators can be buggy -> Simply change the simulator, it may resolve the issue, for me changing the simulator worked.

Found issue in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator//MobileInstallation

WatchKit 2 app extension's NSExtension.NSExtensionAttributes.WKAppBundleIdentifier value does not match WatchKit app's bundle ID