How to handle drawer toggle and toolbar up when having toolbar for each fragment

I am using single activity and many fragments approach in my app

Now since in my some fragments I have custom view in toolbar I decided to have separate toolbar for each fragment.

How to implement separate toolbar for each fragment also the drawer layout is in my activity Home page category page

I have the same problem, I will add custom toolbar view for each fragment.

My Utility method is:

public static View addRemoveViewFromToolbar(FragmentActivity fragmentActivity, int resourceId) {
    Toolbar toolbar = removeViewFromToolbar(fragmentActivity);
    if (resourceId == 0) {
        return null;
    } else {
        View view = LayoutInflater.from(fragmentActivity).inflate(resourceId, toolbar, false);
        return view;

public static Toolbar removeViewFromToolbar(FragmentActivity fragmentActivity) {
    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) fragmentActivity.findViewById(;
    if (toolbar.getChildCount() > 1) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= toolbar.getChildCount(); i++) {
    return toolbar;

In my each fragment

//Create your custom view based on requirement
    View view = Utility.addRemoveViewFromToolbar(getActivity(), R.layout.toolbar_search_view);
        if (view != null) {
            edtCategory1 = (EditText) view.findViewById(;

Hope this explanation help you :)