Similarity between future perfect and future perfect continuous

I had an assignment given before some days. I tried to do it and got some answers right, but it was not satisfactory. Can you tell me the similarity between future perfect and future perfect continuous? It is preferable if you give me some examples.

Solution 1:

Like all the perfect and perfect continuous tenses, the prefect continuous refers to an action which will be taking place over a specific time in the future and talked about the time after that period.

"I will have finished my degree in 2022" means as of 2022 I will have a degree (I am talking about it now but refering to the duration from the future point of view. on the other hand if I would like to tlak about an action for a fixed period of time that has been continuously taking place, I should use future perfect continuous, such as "I will have been going to my college for the next four years".

I will have finished 4 books by this Christmas. I will have been reading 4 books by this Christmas.

The difference is on the point of view of the same actions (finishing point or the contunuity of the action).

Hope it helps.

best Travis