How can I move compilation albums into a "Various Artists" folder?

If you are willing to download an application onto your computer, then I would advise installing Picard. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Picard using:

    sudo apt-get install picard


    sudo aptitude install picard
  2. Once it's installed successfully, open the application (the full name is MusicBrainz Picard).

  3. Go to OptionsOptions... A new options window will pop u.

  4. Select File Naming on the left hand side. Once selected, you will be able to pick the file naming scheme that you want for normal albums or albums with various artists on it.

The picture below shows the final result if you decide to use this application:

Picard Options

If you want more information about how Picard works, please look over the help documentation found here: Picard Documentation

Hope this helps!