Word for breach of privacy [closed]

Here are a few words that mean breach of privacy:


An action which offends against a law, treaty, or other ruling.


Intrusion on a person's territory, rights, etc.


A violation or infringement of a law or agreement.


The action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.


A breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.


An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.

And obviously violation, but it has been mentioned before. My best picks from this list are Contravention, Infringement and Infraction, because (I think, at least) are the closest in meaning to 'breach of privacy'.

Hacking the system is an infringement of our privacy.

All definitions taken from Oxford Dictionaries.

The word Violation seems appropriate but several others might do.

The accused committed a violation of decency by exposing himself. The plaintiffs rights/privacy was violated by the accused.