How can I recursively copy all pdf files in a directory (and it's subdirectories) into a single output directory?

If you use bash in a recent version, you can profit from the globstar option:

shopt -s globstar
mv **/*.pdf papers/

  find /bunchopdfs -name "*.pdf" -exec mv {} /papers \;    

Here's a test I did

$ ls -R
a  aaa bbb.pdf  pdfs



Notice the file "aaa bbb.pdf".

$ find . -name "*pdf" -exec mv {} pdfs \;
$ ls -R
a  pdfs


aaa bbb.pdf  foo.pdf

find -print0 /directory/with/pdfs -iname "*.pdf" | xargs -0 mv -t /papers

(similar to another answer but I prefer pipe/xargs/mv ... more intuitive for me)

FYI, I did the above one-line script successfully on multiple directories and multiple pdf files.