Does Java support RAII/deterministic destruction?

EDIT: The answer below was written in early 2009, when Java 7 was very much still in flux.

While Java still doesn't provide guarantees around finalization timing, it did gain a feature like C#'s using statement: the try-with-resources statement.

No, Java hasn't changed at all in that respect. You still need to use try/finally.

There's been discussion of adding the equivalent of C#'s "using" statement (which is syntactic sugar over try/finally) to Java, but I don't think that's going to be part of Java 7 any more. (Most of the language improvements seem to have been dropped.)

It's worth understanding that there are reasons why deterministic destruction hasn't been implemented in Java and .NET in the form of a reference-counted garbage collector, by the way - that a) impacts performance and b) fails with circular references. Brian Harry wrote a detailed email about this - it's about .NET and it's rather old, but it's well worth a close read.

There is a pattern that helps here. It's not as nice as destructor based RAII but it does mean that the resource clean-up can be moved to the library (so you can't forget to call it).

It's called Execute Around, and has been discussed here before.

Interestingly I see Jon Skeet chimed in on that thread, but he didn't mention it here - shame on you Jon - missed an opportunity for some rep points there!

BTW, while I'm glad Brian Harry (see Jon's comment, again) went to the lengths of writing the email that he did - and it obviously did reflect a lot of thought that went into the process - and I'm glad we did get "using" out of it in C# - I don't agree with all his conclusions. In particular, I don't see why, if we can have using, we can't have a way to mark a type as behaving that way without "using". Of course it constrains the usage - but so does "using" - and most of the time it's exactly what you want. The trouble with "using" is that the client code still has to remember to use it. With C++ style RAII it's a property of the type. An arguably bigger problem with "using", or more accurately with the Dispose idiom, is that it's a lot more complicated and error prone than most people realise to get right - mostly because of the potential for objects to be brought back from the dead.