How do I center floated elements?

Removing floats, and using inline-block may fix your problems:

 .pagination a {
-    display: block;
+    display: inline-block;
     width: 30px;
     height: 30px;
-    float: left;
     margin-left: 3px;
     background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button.png);

(remove the lines starting with - and add the lines starting with +.)

.pagination {
  text-align: center;
.pagination a {
  + display: inline-block;
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
  margin-left: 3px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button.png);
.pagination a.last {
  width: 90px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-last.png);
.pagination a.first {
  width: 60px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-first.png);
<div class='pagination'>
  <a class='first' href='#'>First</a>
  <a href='#'>1</a>
  <a href='#'>2</a>
  <a href='#'>3</a>
  <a class='last' href='#'>Last</a>
<!-- end: .pagination -->

inline-block works cross-browser, even on IE6 as long as the element is originally an inline element.

Quote from quirksmode:

An inline block is placed inline (ie. on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block.

this often can effectively replace floats:

The real use of this value is when you want to give an inline element a width. In some circumstances some browsers don't allow a width on a real inline element, but if you switch to display: inline-block you are allowed to set a width.” ( ).

From the W3C spec:

[inline-block] causes an element to generate an inline-level block container. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box, and the element itself is formatted as an atomic inline-level box.

Since many years I use an old trick I learned in some blog, I'm sorry i don't remember the name to give him credits.

Anyway to center floating elements this should work:

You need a structure like this:

    .main-container {
      float: left;
      position: relative;
      left: 50%;
    .fixer-container {
      float: left;
      position: relative;
      left: -50%;
<div class="main-container">
  <div class="fixer-container">
    <ul class="list-of-floating-elements">

      <li class="floated">Floated element</li>
      <li class="floated">Floated element</li>
      <li class="floated">Floated element</li>


the trick is giving float left to make the containers change the width depending on the content. Than is a matter of position:relative and left 50% and -50% on the two containers.

The good thing is that this is cross browser and should work from IE7+.

Centering floats is easy. Just use the style for container:

.pagination{ display: table; margin: 0 auto; }

change the margin for floating elements:

.pagination a{ margin: 0 2px; }


.pagination a{ margin-left: 3px; }
.pagination a.first{ margin-left: 0; } 

and leave the rest as it is.

It's the best solution for me to display things like menus or pagination.


  • cross-browser for any elements (blocks, list-items etc.)

  • simplicity


  • it works only when all floating elements are in one line (which is usually ok for menus but not for galleries).

@arnaud576875 Using inline-block elements will work great (cross-browser) in this case as pagination contains just anchors (inline), no list-items or divs:


  • works for multiline items.


  • gaps between inline-block elements - it works the same way as a space between words. It may cause some troubles calculating the width of the container and styling margins. Gaps width isn't constant but it's browser specific (4-5px). To get rid of this gaps I would add to arnaud576875 code (not fully tested):

    .pagination{ word-spacing: -1em; }

    .pagination a{ word-spacing: .1em; }

  • it won't work in IE6/7 on block and list-items elements

Set your container's width in px and add:

margin: 0 auto;


Using Flex

.pagination {
  text-align: center;
.pagination a {
  display: block;
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
  float: left;
  margin-left: 3px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button.png);
.pagination a.last {
  width: 90px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-last.png);
.pagination a.first {
  width: 60px;
  background: url(/images/structure/pagination-button-first.png);
<div class='pagination'>
  <a class='first' href='#'>First</a>
  <a href='#'>1</a>
  <a href='#'>2</a>
  <a href='#'>3</a>
  <a class='last' href='#'>Last</a>
<!-- end: .pagination -->