What type of strategy game is this? You rearrange positions?
What do you call games where you have to move and re-arrange cars or boxes to move a goal box into a location. There have been games like this since Atari, as far as I know. It's some kind of tactical game. I can maybe draw an example, as a kind of flow chart:
Goal Block Item
xxxx xxxx
Goal Item
xxxx Block xxxx
Goal Item <--
xxxx Block xxxx
WIN <---------
xxxx Block xxxx
If you possibly know the first game of this kind, I would be interested in that, or any game names. If you add pictures or media or links to the same, that would be useful.
Solution 1:
I'd say puzzle game, and more accurately sliding blocks puzzle game.
Examples of sliding puzzles
- Fifteen puzzle
- Inakube
- Klotski (mentioned here by Hex)
- Minus Cube
- Jumbly
- Sokoban (mentioned here by Konrad)
Otherwise, there's also a list of puzzle game types on Wikipedia, but I think that the previously given term is the best match.
Solution 2:
Sounds like Sokoban (or its clones) to me.
Solution 3:
I know a nice flash version of this called Gridlock. There was a Windows version of this game quite a few years back called Klotski.
These games generally seem to fall into the "sliding block puzzle" category.