How do I cache bust imported modules in es6?

Solution 1:

There is one solution for all of this that doesn't involve query string. let's say your module files are in /modules/. Use relative module resolution ./ or ../ when importing modules and then rewrite your paths in server side to include version number. Use something like /modules/x.x.x/ then rewrite path to /modules/. Now you can just have global version number for modules by including your first module with <script type="module" src="/modules/1.1.2/foo.mjs"></script>

Or if you can't rewrite paths, then just put files into folder /modules/version/ during development and rename version folder to version number and update path in script tag when you publish.

Solution 2:

HTTP headers to the rescue. Serve your files with an ETag that is the checksum of the file. S3 does that by default at example. When you try to import the file again, the browser will request the file, this time attaching the ETag to a "if-none-match" header: the server will verify if the ETag matches the current file and send back either a 304 Not Modified, saving bandwith and time, or the new content of the file (with its new ETag).

This way if you change a single file in your project the user will not have to download the full content of every other module. It would be wise to add a short max-age header too, so that if the same module is requested twice in a short time there won't be additional requests.

If you add cache busting (e.g. appending ?x={randomNumber} through a bundler, or adding the checksum to every file name) you will force the user to download the full content of every necessary file at every new project version.

In both scenario you are going to do a request for each file anyway (the imported files on cascade will produce new requests, which at least may end in small 304 if you use etags). To avoid that you can use dynamic imports e.g if (userClickedOnSomethingAndINeedToLoadSomeMoreStuff) { import('./someModule').then('...') }

Solution 3:

From my point of view dynamic imports could be a solution here.

Step 1) Create a manifest file with gulp or webpack. There you have an mapping like this:

export default {
    "/vendor/lib-a.mjs": "/vendor/lib-a-1234.mjs",
    "/vendor/lib-b.mjs": "/vendor/lib-b-1234.mjs"

Step 2) Create a file function to resolve your paths

import manifest from './manifest.js';

const busted (file) => {
 return manifest[file];

export default busted;

Step 3) Use dynamic import

import busted from '../busted.js';

  .then((module) => {

I give it a short try in Chrome and it works. Handling relative paths is tricky part here.

Solution 4:

Just a thought at the moment but you should be able to get Webpack to put a content hash in all the split bundles and write that hash into your import statements for you. I believe it does the second by default.