How can I get the name of the current terminal from command-line?

Is there a possibility to get the type of terminal with a command?

If I'm using gnome-terminal, the output should be gnome-terminal or something similar. It would be also nice to get the version of the terminal.


ps -aux | grep `ps -p $$ -o ppid=` 

will output something like this:

user     4239  0.0  0.7 292708 15744 pts/8    Sl   11:39   0:02 xfce4-terminal
user     4800  0.0  0.0   6176   820 pts/0    S+   12:23   0:00 grep --color=auto  4239

This will also work with xterm, but how do I get only the name (xfce4-terminal in this case)?

Solution 1:

Original version

One way to do this is to get the parent process of your current shell session and from there the name of the terminal.

  1. Get the parent of the current shell process. The bash variable $$ is the PID of your current shell, so we can give that as a query to ps (-p $$) and ask it tp print the PID of the parent process (-o ppid=, the trailing = is to avoid printing column headers):

    $ ps -p $$ -o ppid=

    So, the PID of my shell's parent is 544.

  2. Get the process associated with that PID and print its command line

    $ ps -p 544 o args=
    /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/terminator

    The above output will depend on what terminal emulator you are using, I am using terminator.

  3. Combine everything in a single command

    ps -p $(ps -p $$ -o ppid=) o args=
  4. Use that to get the version

    $(ps -p $(ps -p $$ -o ppid=) o args=) --version
    terminator 0.97
  5. Add a little function to your ~/.bashrc that returns the name and version of the terminal emulator you're using (this works for most common terminal emulators):

        term=$(ps -p $(ps -p $$ -o ppid=) -o args=);
        case $term in
                echo "gnome-terminal " $(dpkg -l gnome-terminal | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')
                echo "lxterminal " $(dpkg -l lxterminal | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')
                echo "rxvt " $(dpkg -l rxvt | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')
            ## Try and guess for any others
                for v in '-version' '--version' '-V' '-v'
                    $term "$v" &>/dev/null && eval $term $v && found=1 && break
        ## If none of the version arguments worked, try and get the 
        ## package version
        [ $found -eq 0 ] && echo "$term " $(dpkg -l $term | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')    

    You can now get the name of the terminal and also pass any option you like to it (such as --version.

Some examples using different terminals:

  1. xterm

    $ which_term
  2. terminator

    $ which_term 
    terminator 0.97
  3. rxvt, this one has none of the -V, -version or --version flags so no version info is printed.

    $  which_term
    rxvt  1:2.7.10-5
  4. gnome-terminal.

    $ which_term
    gnome-terminal  3.10.1-1
  5. konsole

    $ which_term
    Qt: 4.8.6
    KDE Development Platform: 4.11.3
    Konsole: 2.11.3
  6. lxterminal

    $ which_term
    lxterminal  0.1.11-4
  7. xfce4-terminal

    $ which_term
    xfce4-terminal 0.6.2 (Xfce 4.10)
    Copyright (c) 2003-2012
        The Xfce development team. All rights reserved.
    Written by Benedikt Meurer <[email protected]>
    and Nick Schermer <[email protected]>.
    Please report bugs to <>.

New and improved

The above approach is not that trustworthy though. It will choke when you run your shell after suing to another user or when your terminal is aliased to something and various other cases. Since we are obviously working with X programs here, a better way might be to use something like xdotool (installable with sudo apt-get install xdotool) to get the information instead:

perl -lpe 's/\0/ /g' /proc/$(xdotool getwindowpid $(xdotool getactivewindow))/cmdline

The above will print the command line used to launch the currently active window. Since your terminal will, presumably, be active, that is the command it will show. This means that for most terminal emulators, you can safely assume that the 1st field returned is the terminal name:

$ which_term 

This means that getting the version is trivial. For example

$ dpkg -l $(which_term) | awk '/^ii/{print $3}'

Not so for gnome-terminal:

$ which_term 

or terminator:

$ which_term
/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/terminator 

So, we can make it a little more complex (there are some bashisms here, this one is not portable):

    term=$(perl -lpe 's/\0/ /g' \
           /proc/$(xdotool getwindowpid $(xdotool getactivewindow))/cmdline)

    ## Enable extended globbing patterns
    shopt -s extglob
    case $term in
        ## If this terminal is a python or perl program,
        ## then the emulator's name is likely the second 
        ## part of it
        */python*|*/perl*    )
         term=$(basename "$(readlink -f $(echo "$term" | cut -d ' ' -f 2))")
         version=$(dpkg -l "$term" | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')
        ## The special case of gnome-terminal
        *gnome-terminal-server* )
        ## For other cases, just take the 1st
        ## field of $term
        * )
          term=${term/% */}
     version=$(dpkg -l "$term" | awk '/^ii/{print $3}')
     echo "$term  $version"

This works for all cases I tested on.

Solution 2:

basename "$(cat "/proc/$PPID/comm")"

$PPID is the PID of the shell's parent process. comm means command. It may or may not be a full path, so we use basename to strip the path if needed.


These probably apply to at least some of the other answers too.

  • comm is technically argv[0], which can actually be an arbitrary string. But in general, you should be able to rely on it for this particular case.

  • This won't work as expected if you connect over SSH or use tmux, screen or something similar.

Solution 3:

Try this,

ps -aux | grep `ps -p $$ -o ppid=` | awk 'NR==1{print $11}'


ps -aux | grep `ps -p $$ -o ppid=` | awk 'NR==1{print $NF}'