Windows 8 & Java Development

Confirmed - the JDK and Eclipse will work on Windows 8. I'm running Windows 8 RTM (64-bit). I just downloaded Eclipse from and the JDK from I'm not a Java developer, but I was able to open Eclipse and build and run a simple Hello World app.

Running Java in Windows 8 shall probably not be a problem, because Java is a portable and cross-platform language. Dependency issues are not non-existent, but they are minimized and isolated (if they exist) at a (usually low) layer of the code, and hidden from the user / API client. So if your code has a portability issue it will generally be an issue and not Windows 8-specific. (e.g. if your code breaks ported from Win8 to another OS, it is not Win8's fault)

So generally if java and javac run in Windows 8, all Java programs shall run in Windows 8 as far as no dependency issues arise. Installing in a partition as pointed out or running on a virtual machine Windows 8 can be a way to confirm yourself how much is possible to accomplish in this environment.

I would suggest checking out some of the other sites of the network, namely superuser may have an answer...

I have installed windows 8, tried to install Juno-> comparability issue was there but Helios seems to have no problem. But some plugins are not working in Helios.(ADT plugin for Android development).

I'm using Eclipse Kepler 4.1.2 on a Windows 8 tablet, everything is working fine.

My settings are: RAM 512 vheap: 32 internal storage 200, no sdcard.

Had some problems with using tablet size avds, but fixed the issue by copying my Windows 7 avd settings for using arm. I also resolved issues with graphics by enabling the host gpu.

Still have graphics issues with avds running 3.2 for some reason.