What are the differences between the characters?

When you begin a level, you have the option to select one of four characters. What are the differences between these four characters? They don't appear to be purely cosmetic, as the third one (short girl with dusters) has a triple jump, which none of the others have.

Four Janitors

According to Gamespot's Forums:

Light Attack

  • Blue: Standard length and width (height).
  • Red: About the same length, but not quite as wide as Blue's. Appears to be closer to the ground. Attack speed is either slightly slower or the same. Hard to tell.
  • Purple: Much shorter in both width and length. If you measure the length in the width of the character sprites, it is about one sprite shorter than Blue's. Attack speed is much quicker.
  • Green: Longer, with equal width. Again, measuring in sprites, the length is about one sprite longer than Blue's. Attack speed noticeably slower.

Heavy Attack

  • Blue: Standard length and width (height).
  • Red: Equal length but slightly wider. Possible that it is also slightly quicker. Again, hard to tell.
  • Purple: Again, much shorter in length, only about half or three-fifths as long, but equally as wide. Noticeably quicker attack speed.
  • Green: Equal length but slightly wider. Equal attack speed.


  • Blue: Standard.
  • Red: Slightly shorter distance covered. After five consecutive dashes, Red would be standing directly behind Blue.
  • Purple: Noticeably shorter than Blue. After Purple made five dashes, it would require an entire sixth dash to end up in the same spot as Blue, so if my math is right, one dash is about one-fifth shorter than Blue's.
  • Green: Same as Red.


  • Blue: Standard
  • Red: Equal height as Blue
  • Purple: Much shorter, but has a triple jump instead of double, which equals the height of Blue.
  • Green: Higher the Blue. A double jump puts him at about one sprite-height higher than Blue's max height.

As far as I could tell, all of their wall climbing abilities are equal. There are also other things that I still need to test, like acceleration and momentum, that appear to differ from one another. If I have the time, I might post a video of all the comparisons.

This is all information that I have tested, and agree with.

Edit: It's worth noting that the purple character is capable of wall-climbing a single wall higher than the other characters, because she can jump out from the wall and back onto it more times with her three jumps.

Green with a vacuum has very high jumps, the purple girl with dusters seems to have faster attacks and very short jumps, but she has a triple jump to make up for it. I'm not sure if there are significant differences between blue and red, they might be a sort of ryu/ken deal with minor (if any) differences.