What does it mean when someone always wants more? Of anything [closed]

Always wanting more , of anything, never has enough,never contented with what they have

Simply put it is GREED. Dictionary defines " greed " to be a selfish and excessive desire for more than what's desired or deserved, specially money, wealth, food, or other possessions. Example :

  • His greed was his undoing.

Avarice, covetousness, rapacity or any synonym of. ' Greed ' would mean the same. But GREED is how simple, yet how perfect!!

We call anyone as such GREEDY.

Insatiable he was, always wanting more, never having enough and never content with what he had.

insatiable Vocabulary.com

impossible to satisfy

Some synonyms:

  • unsatiable
    • quenchless
  • unquenchable