What do we call the combination of a number and a unit

As a Software Engineer I give my best to find descriptive names for specific concepts. That is a very important task to reduce software complexity. Naming concepts can be really hard and today I’d like some help.

  • This is a number: 1
  • And this is a unit: kg

What do you call the combination of both? (e.g. "1kg")

I thought about:

  1. Unified number
  2. Typed number
  3. Number specification
  4. Number unit
  5. Measurable number
  6. Comparable number
  7. Discriminated number
  8. Tagged number

But I believe they are confusing and do not describe the concept well enough. My favourite is “discriminated number”.

Is there a name for that concept in the English language? It doesn’t have to be a single word. But more than two words is impractical and people will find other short words that do not express the concept clearly enough.

The word I am looking for will be used like this: “This is an invalid ___. That’s why you cannot run your program correctly.”


“I’ve configured all valid ___s but the program still doesn’t recognize this variation!”

This is the definition of a (physical) quantity. E.g. from Wikipedia:

A physical quantity can be expressed as the combination of a magnitude expressed by a number – usually a real number – and a unit: nu where n is the magnitude and u is the unit.