Difference between screen, display, monitor, and display monitor

As I am not a native speaker of English, I am not sure about the actual meaning and differences between the following words and a phrase:

  • display
  • monitor
  • screen
  • display monitor

I want to know which word is suitable to specify physical display devices of a part of computers (to see pictures, movies or something results of computing by the light through my eyes).

I see amazon.com and the result of displays and monitor shows what I want to express. It seems that some manufactures name their goods as display monitor. I also want to know the difference of overtones.

Solution 1:

There are strong overlaps, but they are not identical. I can give you some typical meanings:

“Monitor” is often similar to a TV, but without the intent of receiving TV programs. (Monitor is also used in a total different meaning, like a heart monitor recording your heart rate).

“Display” is anything showing something. A monitor is a display. An all-in-one computer or a laptop has a display. It doesn’t have a monitor. A monitor is a stand-alone device, a display can be part of a device. A display can be tiny, like just displaying hours and minutes on a watch. And mannequins in a shop window can form a display.

A screen is a particular implementation of a display. In the movies you have a projector and a huge screen. A screen is any flat surface displaying an image. A monitor usually has a screen on the front.

And finally, a display monitor is a monitor designed to be seen by many people.