How to stop a thread?

Solution 1:

In general, you don't forcibly stop threads because it's dangerous. You set a flag that tells the thread in question to exit from it's thread loop under controlled circumstances.

Your thread loop looks something along these lines:

void run() {
  while (shouldContinue) {

And somewhere else you set the shouldContinue variable and wait for the thread to finish:

thread.shouldContinue = false;

(All this is likely not correct Java, since I don't do Java. View it as pseudo code and modify for your actual language/thread library/etc.)

Solution 2:

Here's what the Java people have to say about why not to call thread.stop and what to do instead.

The short answer is, you allow the thread entry point function to return.

Solution 3:

Better you have to use this method of thread,to stop it.


So that you can also save the state of thread.