How can I get bigger window buttons in unity ?

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with unity. I would like to have bigger window buttons (close, maximize, minimize) in unity (theme Ambiance or Radiance). I am using Ubuntu on a touchscreen with my fingers and it is not easy to always "click" on the right one.

I do not want to use the display setting => scale for menu and title bars since it also scales font and many other things.


If you are planning on customizing the button size for Ubuntu, you could always modify your theme.

In the terminal, you can run:

sudo nautilus

This will allow you to get root privileges for your file explorer.

In /usr/share/themes and /usr/share/icons there are themes and icons to give you an example of how to make your own.

I recommend copying these files and editing them to see their effects.

Don't forget to use the Unity Tweak Tool to try out the changes you've made.

If you don't like your changes, you can always revert back to the original with the tweak tool.

Good luck!