Cannot use msdeploy to sync 2 websites - ERROR_FRAMEWORK_VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH

I am trying to use the msdeploy v3.0 to sync an iis website. The site is using .net 4.5 and I am having trouble syncing a brand new server.

Step 1) Create a backup of the website. It looks like it works fine.

msdeploy -verb:sync -source:apphostconfig="XXX",computername=XXX -dest:package=c:\temp\,encryptPassword=[pass]

Step 2) Run the deployment package on the destination server. Fails!

msdeploy -verb:sync -source:package=C:\temp\,encryptPassword=[pass] -dest:apphostconfig="XXX"

I get the following error when I execute step 2.

Error Message

ERROR_FRAMEWORK_VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH More Information: The versions of the .NET Framework Configuration Provider (mac hineConfig64) are different on the source (2.0.50727.5456) and destination (4.0) . Learn more at: VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH. Error count: 1.

This worked for me:

"I checked the msdeploy.exe.config configuration file and sure enough, the v4.0 runtime was listed first:

A work around to the issue is to move the v2.0.50727 above the v4.0 in the configuration file to force Web Deploy to use the v2.0 CLR."

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