Disabling right click on images using jquery

Solution 1:

This works:

$('img').bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
    return false;

Or for newer jQuery:

$('#nearestStaticContainer').on('contextmenu', 'img', function(e){ 
  return false; 

jsFiddle example

Solution 2:

what is your purpose of disabling the right click. problem with any technique is that there is always a way to go around them. the console for firefox (firebug) and chrome allow for unbinding of that event. or if you want the image to be protected one could always just take a look at their temporary cache for the images.

If you want to create your own contextual menu the preventDefault is fine. Just pick your battles here. not even a big JavaScript library like tnyMCE works on all browsers... and that is not because it's not possible ;-).


Personally I'm more in for an open internet. Native browser behavior should not be hindered by the pages interactions. I am sure that other ways can be found to interact that are not the right click.

Solution 3:

For Disable Right Click Option

<script type="text/javascript">
    var message="Function Disabled!";

    function clickIE4(){
        if (event.button==2){
            return false;

    function clickNS4(e){
        if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
            if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
                return false;

    if (document.layers){
    else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

    document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")