Event ID 2013 (Disk Is At Or Near Capacity) not getting logged
I'm trying to set up alerts for low disk space conditions on a server (Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise, SP1). To do this I want to trigger an email via Task Scheduler whenever Event ID 2013 is logged in the System event log.
The problem is that Event ID 2013 doesn't seem to be occurring. The LowDiskSpaceMinimum and DiskSpaceThreshold registry keys are not present, which to my understanding should mean that Event 2013 occurs when the disk space of any partition drops below 10 percent.
I've tried to trigger this event on three servers now, on system drives (C:) or data drives (E:).
I have three theories:
- The default threshold on 2008 R2 is much lower than 10% (but it must be VERY low given how full I'm making these drives in my tests)
- The system only checks the disk space infrequently, and I'm just not waiting long enough
- Something else is preventing this event from being logged that I haven't considered
If anybody can give me any suggestions I'd be grateful.
I eventually got this working. I had to specifically add the LowDiskSpaceMinimum and DiskSpaceThreshold registry keys and then it started to work.
I do agree that installing server monitoring software is probably a better way to go in a lot of cases, and if I was a sysadmin then I would do exactly that and centralise it to monitor all our servers. But my concern is only for one system so this approach works well enough for my needs (and means I don't need to wait for the sysadmins to actually do something!!)
If anybody else wants to set up something similar then here are the registry settings (DiskSpaceThreshold set to 10%):
And here is the Task Scheduler job, which can be saved as an xml file and imported. Just change [ServerName], [YourDomain], [YourUserName] and the email addresses:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
<Description>Send an emailed warning when a low disk space event is recorded.</Description>
<Subscription><QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="System"><Select Path="System">*[System[Provider[@Name='srv'] and EventID=2013]]</Select></Query></QueryList></Subscription>
<Principal id="Author">
<Actions Context="Author">
<Subject>Low disk space warning on server: [ServerName]</Subject>
<To>[email protected]</To>
<From>[email protected]</From>
<Body>Disk space is running low on server: [ServerName] - please investigate.</Body>
<HeaderFields />
<Attachments />
I have used paulH's approach in the past with success. However today I ran into a problem on a Windows 2016 Server: when saving the task I got an error stating that email is deprecated feature and Windows won't let you save the new task.
In order to make this work I found another approach on https://www.netwoven.com/2017/04/28/send-an-e-mail-windows-server-2012-task-scheduler-deprecated-feature-solved/ which uses Powershell as below:
Create a Powershell script as below and save it as smtpscript.ps1 to a known folder such as C:\Users\Public\Documents
$SmtpClient = new-object system.net.mail.smtpClient
$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$SmtpClient.Host = "mail.yourserver.com"
$SmtpClient.Port = 587
$SmtpClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential( "[email protected]", "pw" );
$mailmessage.from = ("[email protected]")
$mailmessage.To.add("[email protected]")
$mailmessage.Subject = “An appropriate subject”
$mailmessage.Body = “An appropriate message body.”
Save that script then create your task as above but under the Action tab use Start a program
and enter these details:
Program/script: powershell.exe
Add Arguments (optional): C:\Users\Public\Documents\smtpscript.ps1
Save the task and you have an email alert.