How do I stop Gimp from autolaunching on startup?

Gimp launches every time I log into Xubuntu (v. 13.10).

Gimp is not shown under Settings Manager-> Sessions and startup.

It does not appear in ~/.config/autostart.

I immediately close Gimp in these cases, so it is not running when I shut down the session.

How do I stop Gimp from autolaunching on startup?

Diagnostic Info:

Note that

cd /
find . -name gimp.desktop 

Only produces


and nothing else

Here is the output of grep -lIr 'gimp' ~/ > ~/Gimp-search-results.txt


.....[edited for brevity]


Solution 1:

  • In settings Manager-> Sessions and startup , try to activate "remember last session", then close Gimp and the session.
  • At next login, it should be ok, so you can unselect "remember last session".

If still getting problems, look here :
How can I stop the Ubuntu Software Center from autostarting in Xubuntu?

Solution 2:

Ok it look like gimp is saved in your session cache.


Try this:

enter image description here

Press "Clear saved session"

Then be sure gimp is not open and restart.