How to rename existing styles in CKEditor?
In my webpage we'll only allow users to use H3
and H4
, but it's confusing to see these as "Title 3" and "Title 4". I wanted to rename these as "Title" and "Subtitle", but setting
doesn't seem to affect that.
I can't write custom JS to configure the editor as I'm using a Django Plugin, that actually converts a python dictionary into the final JSON config used.
The relevant part of what I tried is as follows:
'default': {
'allowedContent': 'h3 h4 p b i u a[*]',
'format_p': {'name': 'Standard text', 'element': 'p'},
'format_h3': {'name': 'Title', 'element': 'h3'},
'format_h4': {'name': 'Subtitle', 'element': 'h4'},
'toolbar': [
{'name': 'styles', 'items': ['Format']},
{'name': 'basicstyles', 'items': ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', '-', 'RemoveFormat']},
{'name': 'links', 'items': ['Link', 'Unlink']},
Solution 1:
Unfortunately there is no ability to change formats names in CKEditor via configuration. I've filled a feature request for that.
However if you are able to modify editor's files, you could always alter language entries directly, located in plugins/format/lang/<language>.js
The second workaround is to modify format
plugin source, especially init
init: function() {
this.startGroup( lang.panelTitle );
for ( var tag in styles ) {
var label = config[ 'format_' + tag ] && config[ 'format_' + tag ].name || lang[ 'tag_' + tag ];
// Add the tag entry to the panel list.
this.add( tag, styles[ tag ].buildPreview( label ), label );