Updating XML node with PHP

You're not accessing the right node. In your example, $xml holds the root node <info/>. Here's a great tip: always name the variable that holds your XML document after its root node, it will prevent such confusion.

Also, as Ward Muylaert pointed out, you need to save the file.

Here's the corrected example:

// load the document
// the root node is <info/> so we load it into $info
$info = simplexml_load_file('test.xml');

// update
$info->user->name->nameCoordinate->xName = $xPostName;
$info->user->name->nameCoordinate->yName = $yPostName;

// save the updated document

You have to write the changes back to the file, use the asXML method of the SimpleXMLElement.

try like this.

$xmlDoc = new \DOMDocument;
$response = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('Text');

foreach ($response as $node){
        $node->nodeValue = 'test';

this might not the best answer but it worked for me.