Android: Linkify TextView

I have textview which I need to linkify. Here's what I am doing..

TextView text = (TextView) view.findViewById(;
text.setText("Android...Update from Android");
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("Android");
String scheme = "";
Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, scheme);

The text-view is displayed correctly with the text "Android...Update from Android", but I am facing two problems.

1) My text string has two instances of the string "Android". So, both the text are linkified. I want only the first occurrence to be linkified. How should I go about it?

2) When I click the linkfy text, it opens the browser, but the URL is weird. The url it tries to open is "www.comandroid". I don't know whats going wrong here. The text "android" in the URL is being replaced. Am I doing something wrong when Linknifying the text.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

The easy way is put autoLink in XML layout.


I created a static method that does this simply:

 * Add a link to the TextView which is given.
 * @param textView the field containing the text
 * @param patternToMatch a regex pattern to put a link around
 * @param link the link to add
public static void addLink(TextView textView, String patternToMatch,
        final String link) {
    Linkify.TransformFilter filter = new Linkify.TransformFilter() {
        @Override public String transformUrl(Matcher match, String url) {
            return link;
    Linkify.addLinks(textView, Pattern.compile(patternToMatch), null, null,

And the OP could use it simply:

addLink(text, "^Android", "");