How to use BehaviorRelay as an alternate to Variable in RxSwift?

Solution 1:

Have you considered simply creating a new array from the existing value on the relay, appending, then calling accept?

myFilter.accept(myFilter.value + [newModel])

Solution 2:

Building on Dalton's answer, here is a handy extension:

extension BehaviorRelay where Element: RangeReplaceableCollection {
    func acceptAppending(_ element: Element.Element) {
        accept(value + [element])

Solution 3:

I wrote this extension for replacing Variables with BehaviorRelays. You can add whatever method you need based on this pattern to migrate easily.

public extension BehaviorRelay where Element: RangeReplaceableCollection {

    public func insert(_ subElement: Element.Element, at index: Element.Index) {
        var newValue = value
        newValue.insert(subElement, at: index)

    public func insert(contentsOf newSubelements: Element, at index: Element.Index) {
        var newValue = value
        newValue.insert(contentsOf: newSubelements, at: index)

    public func remove(at index: Element.Index) {
        var newValue = value
        newValue.remove(at: index)

Instead of Variable.value.funcName, now you write BehaviorRelay.funcName.

The idea to use where Element: RangeReplaceableCollection clause comes from retendo's answer

Also note that the index is of type Element.Index, not Int or whatever else.

Solution 4:

I created those this extension, with two methods to facilitate migration in case you have a Variable of Array and you have to use append.

    extension BehaviorRelay where Element: RangeReplaceableCollection {

        func append(_ subElement: Element.Element) {
            var newValue = value

        func append(contentsOf: [Element.Element]) {
            var newValue = value
            newValue.append(contentsOf: contentsOf)

        public func remove(at index: Element.Index) {
            var newValue = value
            newValue.remove(at: index)

        public func removeAll() {
            var newValue = value


and you call it like this

    var things = BehaviorRelay<[String]>(value: [])
    let otherThings = ["bb", "cc"]
    things.append(contentsOf: otherThings) 
    things.remove(at: 0)

Solution 5:

I would do something like that -

let requests = PublishSubject<Observable<ServerResponse>>.create()
let responses: Observable<ServerResponse> = requests.switchLatest()

let parsed: Observable<[ParsedItem]> = responses
  .flatMap { Observable.from($0).map { parse($0) }.toArray() }

parsed.bind(to: ui)

// repeated part
let request1: Observable<ServerResponse> =