How can I separate a stack of an item in my inventory into "stolen" and "legally obtained"?

Nidoru is an Iron Dagger collector. In her short 11 levels of being alive she has smithed, collected and stolen about 100 Iron Daggers.

The Iron Dagger stack is marked as stolen whether in her personal inventory or in a container. I'm pretty sure she has just stolen about 5 or 6 of those daggers (don't get me wrong, she is a thief).

How can I separate the 6 stolen daggers into a different stack of daggers, so Nidoru can have a stack of 94 "legally" obtained daggers?

I believe the top of the stack is always the stolen items first. So if you split the stack, say by using a container, you can just trim off the top of the stack which contains your stolen items.

You can tell you've run out of stolen items (daggers in this case) when your stack of daggers in your inventory is no longer marked as "stolen".

  • Step 1. Find a container.
  • Step 2. Place daggers one by one into the container.
  • Step 3. Stop when the daggers in your inventory are no longer marked stolen.

At that point, all the daggers in your inventory are honest daggers, while all the daggers placed in the container are stolen. If there were some honest daggers originally in the container - then the container is mixed.

If you're through with the daggers there's another way. Find a vendor that doesn't buy stolen merchandise. Sell all the daggers you can and you'll be left with the stolen ones.

If you just want counts... compare the counts from your item screen and the vendor's screen. The vendor screen's count doesn't include stolen daggers.

I just discovered that dropping a stack of items that has some stolen and some not seperates the stolen from the non-stole automatically. Just leave the stolen ones on the ground from there on.