Keep one consistent font spacing and face in Evernote

Solution 1:

The text editor in the Evernote client is low quality and buggy (at least on Windows, I haven't tried any of the others). It frequently gets itself in a mess. You could try re-pasting the text without formatting. Try this in the Windows client:

  1. Inside a note, select all: ctrl+a.
  2. Cut: ctrl+x.
  3. Paste without formatting: ctrl+shift+v.

Solution 2:

Perhaps you are using a font that does not exist on one of the platforms. Case in point: the Helvetica font (and its derivatives) is widely used on the Mac and iPhone, but does not exist in Windows by default (you can add it for free if you like it). Therefore, the Windows client will attempt to substitute it with (what it deems) the closest/default-est font.

My recommendation: switch to Arial font. It's widely used on many platforms. I currently use Evernote on: Mac, Windows, iPad, Android and iPhone - no issues noted so far.