Auto mount sshfs volume through fstab with password auth

I have a headless server running Ubuntu 12.04.4 that needs to come back up after a reboot without user intervention. There is an existing manual process that involves looking at files on a remote server over sftp and manipulating certain ones. The auth for the sftp site uses a username and password. I want to automate this process by removing the manual step of getting into the sftp server by mounting the remote volume directly on the server that needs the files.

Note that I do not have a ssh identity file because key based auth is not being used. I cannot change the remote end to use key auth; I need to use the existing username and password. Most of the guides I've found out there only deal with using a key based identity file.

Current fstab config:

sshfs#[email protected]:/SecureFTP /my/localpath fuse allow_other,uid=root,gid=clientfiles,umask=0770

When mounting interactively, it prompts for the password. I need the server to be able to recover from a reboot without having someone there to babysit and type the password in, so it needs to work without any prompting. I don't know how to get the password in aside from the prompt. Ideally, I could specify a credential file with the username and password like I can with the credentials=<file name> cifs option.

I've tried credentials= and password= as mount options but they don't seem to be defined for sshfs; I get fuse: unknown option.

There IS a password_stdin option for sshfs but I'm not sure how that applies in fstab.

  • In this example I implied that we work as root. If you don't, apply sudo su or sudo when needed.
  • Your system may use different init system than Systemd, but Cron is pretty universal.

You can simply use /etc/fstab to pre-define your mount options and whatnot.


USERNAME@HOSTNAME_OR_IP:/REMOTE/DIRECTORY /LOCAL/MOUNTPOINT fuse.sshfs  defaults,password_stdin,_netdev 0 0

Keep in mind default mount options are far from perfect.
For example: reconnect is important. see:

An example with these options (taken from the Github issue):

sshfs#[email protected]:/content/ /mnt/srv fuse   password_stdin,defaults,user,allow_other,reconnect,delay_connect,ConnectTimeout=5,ServerAliveInterval=5,IdentityFile=/root/.ssh/id_rsa_storage 0 0

Once that's done, you need a simple script with this sole content, such as:

echo "passwordgoeshere" | mount /mnt/srv

Let's save it under your root user, so an example: /root/
Now you need to make it executable: chown +x /root/

Now all you need is just cron or systemd to execute this on mount.
With cron, a simple entry like this works:
@reboot /root/

With Systemd:
1) You have to create the script. See just above.
2) You have to create a new Systemd service script.
An example would be: /etc/systemd/system/
3) The contents of the file:





  • I did not test the Systemd method as I try not to rely on it as much as possible. It's personal dislike/dislike/hate. :)
  • With Cron, you may need to add a "sleep" to the script, so it doesn't try to run the script "too early", ie.: before internet/network comes up.
