I just want to know how to capture a portion of the screen. Getting the screen shot of a particular location and size in Windows.

I want to do this using some Windows key functionality. I am not doing using and code, I am not looking for any tool. I just want to know either this is possible in Windows or not.

Solution 1:

Capture it with alt+PrnScr (so it gets only the active window) and then crop it in a program of your choice.

Solution 2:

The snipping tool is a utility provided by default in Windows 7 and above. It does what you requested.

Solution 3:

You can write a program that gets a handle to the screen's device context (GetDC), does a BitBlt from that device context to a temporary one you created with CreateCompatibleDC and populated with CreateCompatibleBitmap. Then you select your memory bitmap out and save it. Make sure to release and destroy these GDI resources.

Do do this when the user hits a certain key, your program should call RegisterHotKey and then wait for the notification.

Search MSDN for these function names for more details.