Use of dash in a sentence

Is the dash an acceptable punctuation in this sentence?

Dances, parties, luncheons -- all these should be part of your senior year.

Yes it's okay to use a dash there. But strictly speaking it should be an em dash...

Dances, parties, luncheons — all these should be part of your senior year.

The shorter en dash is for value ranges, such as £100–150.

The even shorter plain old dash (aka hyphen) is for word-hyphenation.

EDIT: These distinctions don't really apply to casual/informal writing such as us here at ELU, but they are quite rigorously applied by professional typesetters.

Yes, I would say it was an effective use of the dash. As Larry Trask wrote:

The dash has only one use: a pair of dashes separates a strong interruption from the rest of the sentence . . . If the strong interruption comes at the end of the sentence, then of course only one dash is used.