MVVM show new window from VM when seperated projects

  • Define the IWindowService interface in the model project.
  • Reference the model project from the view model project.
  • Implement the IWindowService in the WPF application (view) project.

The button should then be bound to an ICommand that uses IWindowService to open the window. Something like this:

public class MainWindowViewModel
    private readonly IWindowService _windowService;

    public MainWindowViewModel(IWindowService windowService)
        _windowService = windowService;
        AddProfile = new DelegateCommand(() =>
            _windowService.OpenProfileWindow(new AddProfileViewModel());

    public ICommand AddProfile { get; }

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel(new WindowService());

public class WindowService : IWindowService
    public void OpenProfileWindow(AddProfileViewModel vm)
        AddProfileWindow win = new AddProfileWindow();
        win.DataContext = vm;