Delete a calendar from Evolution

If you have imported it the right way (New Calendar => Type Google), you can remove it right-clicking on the calendar name and then deleting it.
If you have imported a CVS/ICS calendar file (Google calendar => Export), this approach doesn't work.

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In my case, the calendars were shown because I added my Google accounts from the GNOME settings.


When I added the accounts, I choose to use also their calendars, thinking I could later delete the ones I didn't need. I then discovered Evolution doesn't allow me to delete calendars.

What I did was opening the GNOME settings again, click on the accounts listed there, and deselect Calendar from them.


I didn't need to remove the accounts and re-add them. Once I deselected Calendar from my Google accounts, I just closed Evolution and re-opened it. The Google calendars stopped to appear on Evolution.

I was having a similar issue, and found that I could delete calendars if I shut down the clock applet first.

  • Go to System → AdministrationSystem Monitor
  • Click on clock-applet and then on End process

Don't restart when prompted to do so. You should now be able to delete your calendars.

To get the clock applet back, you may have to add it back to your panel by right-clicking on it, selecting Add to panel, then Clock, and placing it where you want.