Insert a new row into DataTable
Solution 1:
@William You can use NewRow method of the datatable to get a blank datarow and with the schema as that of the datatable. You can populate this datarow and then add the row to the datatable using .Rows.Add(DataRow)
OR .Rows.InsertAt(DataRow, Position)
. The following is a stub code which you can modify as per your convenience.
//Creating dummy datatable for testing
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("col1", typeof(String));
dc = new DataColumn("col2", typeof(String));
dc = new DataColumn("col3", typeof(String));
dc = new DataColumn("col4", typeof(String));
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "coldata1";
dr[1] = "coldata2";
dr[2] = "coldata3";
dr[3] = "coldata4";
dt.Rows.Add(dr);//this will add the row at the end of the datatable
int yourPosition = 0;
dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, yourPosition);
Solution 2:
// get the data table
DataTable dt = ...;
// generate the data you want to insert
DataRow toInsert = dt.NewRow();
// insert in the desired place
dt.Rows.InsertAt(toInsert, index);
Solution 3:
// create table
var dt = new System.Data.DataTable("tableName");
// create fields
dt.Columns.Add("field1", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("field2", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("field3", typeof(DateTime));
// insert row values
dt.Rows.Add(new Object[]{
Solution 4:
In c# following code insert data into datatable on specified position
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.rows.add(1, 1000)
dt.rows.add(2, 2000)
dt.Rows.InsertAt(dt.NewRow(), 3);
var rowPosition = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("SL")] = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("Amount")] = 3000;