Insert a new row into DataTable

Solution 1:

@William You can use NewRow method of the datatable to get a blank datarow and with the schema as that of the datatable. You can populate this datarow and then add the row to the datatable using .Rows.Add(DataRow) OR .Rows.InsertAt(DataRow, Position). The following is a stub code which you can modify as per your convenience.

//Creating dummy datatable for testing
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("col1", typeof(String));

dc = new DataColumn("col2", typeof(String));

dc = new DataColumn("col3", typeof(String));

dc = new DataColumn("col4", typeof(String));

DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();

dr[0] = "coldata1";
dr[1] = "coldata2";
dr[2] = "coldata3";
dr[3] = "coldata4";

dt.Rows.Add(dr);//this will add the row at the end of the datatable
int yourPosition = 0;
dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, yourPosition);

Solution 2:

// get the data table
DataTable dt = ...;

// generate the data you want to insert
DataRow toInsert = dt.NewRow();

// insert in the desired place
dt.Rows.InsertAt(toInsert, index);

Solution 3:

// create table
var dt = new System.Data.DataTable("tableName");

// create fields
dt.Columns.Add("field1", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("field2", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("field3", typeof(DateTime));

// insert row values
dt.Rows.Add(new Object[]{

Solution 4:

In c# following code insert data into datatable on specified position

DataTable dt = new DataTable();

dt.rows.add(1, 1000)
dt.rows.add(2, 2000)

dt.Rows.InsertAt(dt.NewRow(), 3);

var rowPosition = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("SL")] = 3;
dt.Rows[rowPosition][dt.Columns.IndexOf("Amount")] = 3000;