Why am I asked for my password when I want to mount a drive

It depends on which method you use to mount your internal volume.

Remark: The cryptic numbers are the UUID of your volume. Every partition in the world has its own unique UUID to identify it. Using it as mount-point basically a makeshift. Developers are talking about a better algorithm to find more appropriate, human-readable mount-points involving the disk-label, size, vendor etc. We'll see, what the future brings.

Mounting is done by shell

If you're mounting partitions in a shell and you do not want to enter your password each time, you can configure sudo to run the mount and umount (for unmounting) commands without a password. This will introduce a security risk as a special crafted command can grant the user root privileges.

If you want to sacrifice security for ease of use and enable this rule, you need to edit your sudoers file. Do not edit /etc/sudoers directly, but run sudo visudo. Replace yourUser by your usernameL

yourUser ALL=(yourUser) NOPASSWD:/bin/mount,/bin/umount  # insecure!

To avoid having to type sudo, put the next line in the ~/.bashrc file:

alias mount='sudo mount'

As for the naming: Simply use another mountpoint. That can be any empty folder of your choice you have write permissions to. man mount in shell will tell you how to do that.

Mounting is done by nautilus (in gnome)

In case you are having nautilus (ubuntu's default file manager - similar to windows explorer) auto-mount the system, it's a bit trickier. You need to add the volume to your fstab. As in the shell based method you can specify a mount point there as well to get rid of the cryptic numbers. It goes like in my answer to automounting a ntfs volume with the exception, that you need to replace 'ntfs' by the actual filesystem of your volume.

So you basically just have to add a line similar to tat one to the fstab:

UUID=7258CB9858CB598D /media/win ntfs rw,auto,users,exec,nls=utf8,umask=003,gid=46,uid=1000    0   2

The users option is important to be able to mount and unmount the volume without a password query. Also gid and uid should be set right for that purpose. Note the "Don't reboot with errors" part in my link.

FS outside of your home directory does not take effect from your normal user privileges until you perform on the behalf of super user by giving password. it is only possible if you use sudo prefix.

I can give you a easy solution. First why did it ask for password? because your account is not root and for security reason (and also to keep your information secure and prevent loss of data) ubuntu does not auto mount other drives excluding root drive (file-system /)

If you want to auto mount all the drives then just install ntfs-config application sudo apt-get install ntfs-config

check all drives for mount and write permissions. if your are in ubuntu 11.04 then just create '/etc/hal/fdi/policy' directory first then run this application.