Meaning of specific passage of corporate text, "processes are managed in customized in-house training"

BMW’s active management development process involves three components: corporate development programs (for example on culture, e-commerce), professional development programs (for example skills such as conflict management) and dialogue (communication skills, working cross-functionally and so on). These processes are managed in customized in-house training, facilitated by freelance trainers and business school faculty. In addition, special programs help develop future leaders.

I can't understand the bold part completely. Please explain it to me in an easier way.

Solution 1:

The whole paragraph is typical 'business speak' - I'm not surprised you are having difficulty.

These processes ---> the programs mentioned earlier

are managed ----> are taught

in customized in-house training ----> in training that that is specifically designed to suit BMW and takes place at BMW

facilitated by freelance trainers ----> taught by self-employed teachers

and business school faculty ----> and academic professors/teachers who normally teach students at a business school